Wednesday, June 16, 2010


........As I was going back through my blogs, I noticed that I have less and less errors in my writing as the year progressed. I also noticed that my writing style has changed a little throughout the year.
........Blogging this year has been a very different, and fun, way to do homework. I sometimes lose track of due dates, so remembering to do the weekly blog was hard. Especially since it wasn't on paper. It was usually hard for me to come up with a response to what Mrs. Gilman had posted because I did it late-ish at night. This is probably the latest blog that I have posted all year because I've been sick and I couldn't get myself off of the couch to do it.
........William Shakespeare said, "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; Words without thoughts never to heaven go." My writing in general tends to not show my full understanding or feeling towards the subject. But I thought that I did pretty well at showing my understanding of things on this blog. So, I guess that Shakespeare's quote more contradicts my point, but it describes my other writing.